Green Touring

Green Touring

2025 Green Touring Program

Greening Production-Making Online Series

The emissions output of a tour is to a large extent pre-determined by the decisions made at the beginning of the creative process. So, in 2025 AOT is partnering with Theatre Green Book Australia (TGBA) to present four, free 60-minute online sessions that focus on greening production-making every Monday 2-3pm from 24 March – 14 April.

Run by Grace Nye-Butler, the aim of this Series is to develop eco literacy skills and support directors, creatives and production departments to integrate emissions reduction strategies into their practices. It’s worth highlighting that the idea here is not to be in competition with an artistic vision, but for this vision to be supported by knowledge and awareness that allows for eco-informed decisions. The Series will feature guests along the way who are using the TGBA, to give specific examples of how it can be applied to production-making.

One of the inspirations for this Series was the popularity of the episodes in last year’s Green Touring Online Series that focused on production. These episodes featured makers Bryony Anderson and Tanja Beer, Production Manager Dana Spence, as well as Grace Nye-Butler and Chris Mercer giving an overview of TGBA. Replays of these conversations are available here.


Session 1 - Monday 24 March 2-3pm
Session 2 - Monday 31 March 2-3pm
Session 3 - Monday 7 April 2-3pm
Session 4 - Monday 14 April 2-3pm

Read more about each session below and meet our guest speakers here.

All sessions will be Auslan interpreted.


This session covers sustainable material choices for set, costume, and prop design, including recycled, biodegradable, and ethically-sourced procurement alternatives. We also discuss low-impact making techniques, such as modular construction, non-toxic finishes, and designing for reuse. Throughout the session, we share practical examples and resources as well as strategies for integrating circular economy principles into theatre production.

Please note, unfortunately, this session was not Auslan interpreted due to technical difficulties.

Theatre Making Cheat Sheet_Session 1

Reducing the environmental impact of theatre production, operations, and events.

Guest Speaker: Ryan Garreffa, Sydney Theatre Company (STC)

This session will cover strategies for sustainable stage and production management, including energy-efficient lighting, waste reduction, and greener touring models. We will also explore sustainable event practices, from season launches and philanthropy events to audience engagement initiatives that reduce waste and carbon footprints. Throughout the session, we will discuss how to integrate sustainability into procurement, catering, marketing, and venue partnerships, ensuring that productions and events align with best environmental practices.

Register for Session 2

Understanding carbon accounting, measuring and reducing emissions across productions, tours, and events.

Guest Speaker: Aimee Smith, Sustainability consultant

We will explore how theatre productions contribute to carbon emissions, from materials and transport to energy use in venues. This session will include a 101 on carbon accounting, introducing key concepts and tools for tracking emissions, and how this knowledge can be used in the planning stage at the beginning of the production process as well as at the end. We will also discuss carbon offsetting, how it works and its role in sustainability strategies, as well as ethical concerns, the importance of reduction strategies over offsetting, and alternative approaches. Throughout the session, we will share practical strategies for minimising carbon impact across productions, touring, and audience engagement.

Register for Session 3

Exploring new and emerging sustainable technologies and creative innovations shaping the future of theatre. 

We will discuss emerging technologies and practices that are transforming sustainable theatre, including digital and hybrid performance models, low-impact stage technologies, and biodegradable or smart materials. We will explore the role of AI and automation in optimising stage operations, reducing waste, and streamlining logistics. This session will also consider new approaches to audience engagement, such as immersive digital experiences and virtual touring, and how these innovations may play a role in reducing the environmental footprint of theatre while maintaining artistic integrity and accessibility.

Register for Session 4

Meet our Guest Speakers


Grace Nye-Butler
Grace has a background as a Stage Manager and is currently finishing her PhD with the School of Environmental Science at UNSW. She has implemented environmental sustainability plans for orgs including NIDA and Griffin. By understanding the intricacies of the professional theatre industry, and the science behind carbon emissions and sustainability, Grace combines her dual passion for theatre and science to support arts organisations to create and maintain greener practices.

Theatre Green Book Australia
Since the UK’s Theatre Green Book, led by Paddy Dillon and Lisa Burger, came out in 2021, networks all over the world, encompassing all varieties of theatre, opera and dance, have joined this collective initiative. Over a dozen localised editions have since been launched in countries across the globe and the TGB is now considered a key resource to support the sector transition towards sustainable practices. As the industry globally engages in this transition, we need tools and a common language to support effective international collaboration whilst also being nuanced to the unique practices that exist within various regions. The Theatre Green Book Australia, founded by Grace Nye-Butler and Chris Mercer, utilises the global Theatre Green Book as a base to create a framework that speaks to the Australian theatre industry, whilst enabling practitioners to work within a common framework with colleagues across the world.


Greening Production-Making Series 2025
Four Online Sessions (1hr each)
Mondays 2-3pm,
24 March - 14 April
Tickets: FREE – register below

All sessions will be Auslan interpreted.

Session 1: Materials and Making

Theatre Making Cheat Sheet_Session 1

Watch replay

Session 2: Production, Producing
and Events

31 March


Session 3: Carbon Foot Printing and Impact Reduction
7 April


Session 4: Innovation and New Technology
14 April


Questions? Contact Mark Salvestro