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The Listies

Make Some Noise!

Written & Performed by The Listies!

Turn up the LOLS to 11 with Make Some Noise!, the brand-new musical comedy show by The Listies, Australia’s favourite kids comedians! As seen on ABC Kids The Listies Work For Peanuts and Art Blast

Make Some Noise - 2nd Image

“Nobody else does kids comedy this brilliantly, what’s more astounding is that adults have just as much fun.”

The Age



For over a decade the award winning Listies have toured the world doing shows for literally gazillions of kidults (that’s kids and their adults). Now it’s your turn. 

Make Some Noise! is a comedy concert for humans aged 4-400. Join the maestros of mirth, Rich and Matt, as they belt out a bunch of songs with the LOLs turned up to 11.

Will they be in tune? Almost.
In time? Not quite.
In order? Definitely.
Can Rich dance? Let’s find out.

It’s a party for your ears and both of them are invited! Hilarious, fabulous fun for the whole family!

Get ready for The Listies show by watching their YouTube, listening to their albums on Spotify, or grab a copy of their books, Teleportaloo and The Big No. 2.

★★★★★ - Time Out
★★★★★ - Herald Sun
★★★★★ - Fest Mag UK
★★★★★ - FringeReview UK
★★★★★ - Broadway Baby
★★★★★ - The List

'Make Some Noise!' Trailer

“Australian duo The Listies have conquered children’s comedy through deep respect for their audience, with a focus on the subversion of the adult desire for control — with hilarious results.”

Hero Image Credit: Andrew Wuttke
Production Photography Credit: Daniel Boud

Previous Tour

Touring in 2024

Writers/Performers Matt Kelly & Rich Higgins
Music and Lyrics The Listies and Ryan Ritchie
Lighting Designer El Edie
Video Graphics Emma Valente
Sound Designer Iva Lottagas

If you are interested in touring get in contact!

Arts on Tour
02 8038 1880