Green Touring

The Green Touring Toolkit

Developed in consultation with artists, creatives, arts managers and environmental sustainability experts, The Green Touring Toolkit is a practical, step by step companion guide to greening the production and touring process – from setting goals to production design and pre-tour planning, working with venue partners and reducing emissions on tour, and measuring emissions post tour. The Toolkit was awarded a PAC Australia Impact Award in 2022. 

The Green Touring Toolkit was developed by AOT alongside Arup's development of Circulate, an emissions calculator designed specifically for measuring greenhouse gas emissions for productions, events and creative business operations in Australia and NZ. The Circulate tool is featured throughout the Toolkit.

Links to download The Green Touring Toolkit and accompanying resources, as well as a link to Arup’s emissions calculator, Circulate and other industry sustainability resources are listed opposite. Please get in contact with us on 02 8038 1880 or email us to chat or if you need some guidance. More information about AOT’s Green Touring Initiative is here

Download Toolkit

The emissions factors used in the Circulate emissions calculator are specific to New Zealand and to Australian states and territories. They have been sourced from national standards and reputable third-party sources. Arup is seeking feedback on the user experience of the beta version to inform future development in collaboration with the sector. Let us know what you think at

Circulate emissions tool

Partnering with NSW touring organisations Bangarra Dance Theatre, Bell Shakespeare, CDP Theatre Producers, Critical Stages Touring, Monkey Baa Theatre Company, Performing Lines and Sydney Dance Company, The Green Touring Initiative started with a workshop, facilitated by environmental consultant Grace Nye-Butler, where we pulled apart AOT’s 2020 tour of Siren Theatre Co’s HMS Pinafore and succeeded in reducing emissions by 32%.

The following aims were determined at the workshop:

  • To develop a toolkit and accompanying resources to enable touring organisations to plan and deliver tours with emission reduction strategies, and to budget to offset unavoidable emissions
  • To develop a calculator specific to performing arts touring to facilitate low carbon planning and measuring emissions
  • To advocate to government agencies for environmental impact reduction strategies to be included in the selection criteria of touring applications and for associated costs to be eligible
  • To work with suppliers, venue partners and other stakeholders to achieve mutual sustainability goals and adopt ambitious emission reduction targets
  • To support artists and arts organisations to live and work by their principles
  • To facilitate the sector to lead on climate action

If you’re ready to read more, more links are below. These correspond to the links listed in the Resources section of The Green Touring Toolkit.

Materials Sourcing and Recycled
Australian Government Sustainable Procurement Guide
Australian Battery Recycling InitiativePlanet Ark Materials Recycling

Financial Resources
Market Forces, Fossil Fuel BankingResponsible Returns

News and Information Sources
The Australian Climate Council
An independent organisation of leading scientists, policy with easy-to-understand resources.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Founded by the UN, the IPCC is the global authority on climate change. IPCC’s in-depth reports influence the world’s climate goals.

CSIRO has some excellent graphics and guides that explain climate change and the latest research.

Fifth Estate
Independent journalism with the aim of fast tracking sustainability in Australia.

Top banner image: Mark Rogers